
/scripts/updateuserdatacache --force
mv -f /etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf{,.bk}

tarpor jodi site live na hoy tokhon niser cmd run korte hobe.

How to Rebuild Apache Config (httpd.conf)

Run this command and cPanel will rebuild the Apache httpd.conf file:

cmd: /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf

This rebuilds the httpd.conf file from the cPanel templates at /var/cpanel/templates/.

Restart Apache
Your web server will not be affected until you restart Apache, which you can do safely either inside WHM (Web Host Manager):

Restart Services -> HTTP Server (Apache) -> Restart

Or via SSH command:

cmd: /scripts/restartsrv_apache

If the above commands don’t work, run it (by running the command will take 2-5 minutes):

cmd:  yum reinstall ea-apache24-config-runtime -y