Automated Domain Price Update Script for WHMCS
  1. Download: Download the update_domain_price.php file from this repository.
  2. Upload: Upload the update_domain_price.php file to your WHMCS root directory.
  3. Configure: Open the update_domain_price.php file in a text editor and follow these steps to configure the script:
    Change the Domain TLD: Locate the $domainTLD variable in the script and replace 'com' with the desired top-level domain (e.g., 'net''org', etc.).
    Set the Price Increase Amount: Find the $amount variable and modify 50 to the desired amount you want to increase the domain prices by.
  4. Run: Access the script through your browser by navigating to
  • Automatically updates prices for specified domain TLDs in unpaid WHMCS invoices.
  • Uses a calculated price increase to adjust invoice amounts accurately.
  • Adds descriptive invoice items to indicate the price increase.
  • Incorporates error handling for seamless execution and error reporting.